In every milestone from lifting the head to grasping, rolling over, recognizing mommy, crawling, walking, feeding themselves black babies are a couple of months ahead of other races.
Black babies advance earlier and faster than white babies.
In his book, The Developmental Psychology of the Black Child, Dr. Amos Wilson uses test results taken from the research of WHITE social scientists to show that, contrary to being inferior to whites, Black children in particular show superior psychomotor development over European children:
"Whenever motor differences between white and black American infants have been noted in research literature, the black babies have been advanced in comparison with the whites.... this is also the case with black children of other nationalities, particularly of African origin."
"The African babies actually seemed to have been born at a more advanced stage of development, since many of their activities at less than a week corresponded to those performed by European children aged four to eight weeks." (emphasis added) Comparisons in this study show the following difference between these groups
American journal of medical genetics
Page 69
Black babies are smaller than white ones but the smaller black neonate becomes
the larger and more advanced child right through adolescence
Social Psychology - Page 482
by Lawrence S. Wrightsman - Psychology all the children were found to be more advanced than European children of the same age
Children of the 21st Century: From Birth to Nine Months - Page 162
by Shirley Dex, Heather Joshi - Social Science - 2005
There is evidence to suggest that non-white babies, especially Black babies, are more advanced in their gross motor
development than white babies
many studies have been done that show black babies are more advanced than white babies, but they have been confined to scholarly journals away from general public--Pasamanik 1946, Williams and scott 1953, Geber 1957, Bayley 1965, Ainsworth 1967, Morgan 1990
. --there you go
ReplyDeleteI have always guessed this ( Africans being naturally endowed, because the grew up w/all those worlds around them in Africa i.e. animal kingdom, nature and geography) to be the case; However, I was watching my neice who was a tiny premee baby, but now she is flourishing, but I thought about how maybe Black children are more advanced then others in most area's of early develpoment. I am not a doctor, but skills are substaiated by increased level of cognitive development. I said to myself; did somebody (white person) see our children in a day care setting about three hundred years ago and said; Wait a minute, We have to stop tehm from the gate of life or they will over take us. Well; hence research which discusses the African child having natural endowments. OMG. I see why white racism must be put forth to the world of nations....
Deletedespite this being very old i just figured id add in: "naturally endowed", these signs of "advancement" can also be conversely considered 'premature ageing' as in the accelerated child developmental phases. Speeding through it instead of 'delayed ageing' which means that since they take longer to develop there (European babies) in a youthful state for longer time... I could also go on about 1 of the greatest questions in sociology. "what environmental/genetic factors lead to the technological advancements of peoples in the northern hemisphere ultimately leading to there superior ability on conquering the southern hemisphere. & not the other way around"?
DeleteSuperior animals develop more slowly. Neotony is one of the driving traits in human evolution.
ReplyDeleteLOL - what a joke!
ReplyDeleteChimp and gorilla infants develop faster as well.
ReplyDeleteJealous much lol
DeleteMelanin - God's gift to man :)
ReplyDeleteAfrican students from the continient, also perform better than any other students. They say the orientals do better, not so, and that information stays hidden, or in the background. When you think about it, if the Africans were here on this planet, some say a million years, some say at least two hundred thousand years, well yea, we are more advance than anyone else, and it can be proven. Yet all our advancements are credited to other people, the invaders.
ReplyDeleteBabies which take longer to develop in motor skills are those same which most likely have higher IQ's. It has long been known that white babies take a longer time in the womb than black babies, and it is supposed by research that this is because extra time is dedicated to brain development for white babies.
ReplyDeleteRead Terman's longitudinal study on giftedness, where he found that the characteristics of giftedness was early motor development, lack of health problems and well adjustedness.
DeleteIt's ok, Tim Berners-Lee is building us another internet. We can give the old one to non-whites and leave them alone so they can avoid having to interact with us online at all. We're apparently evil, so they should be encouraging us to segregate for their own benefit. Once Elon has progressed a bit further with Space X, we'll sod off to Mars and leave you guys alone entirely. Then you can find another group to blame for everything.
Delete@Anon Aug. 5th: Then tell us why Africans surpass whites academically?
ReplyDeleteSmaller brains mature more quickly. Perhaps melanin -> dopamine synthesis and the 3R MAO-A "warrior gene" allele helps too. It's not a sign of being more advanced but rather the opposite: a sign of a dangerous childhood environment favourring quicker maturation and therefor smaller, less complex brains. Wildebeast can walk right after birth. Do you consider wildebeast calves to be superior to white babies as well?
ReplyDeleteLOL! to go by your analogy one can suggest that a wildebeest (the correct spelling) is smarter than whites then. those animals can give birth without needing help,have innate knowledge of what plants to eat that wont poison them,they know who their enemy is from birth,they have great navigation skills in migrating to areas that will yield food in droughts,they know how to swim without being taught,they know how to nurse,the babies know where to nurse. see what fools like you don't understand is that intellect is not defined by what you know as far as a material world but how you know how to survive from the land. whites as late as the 15th century still thought the world was flat. black Africans showed them navigation,Imhotep (African) was the worlds first documented Doctor he is credited with the Edwin Smith Papyrus.all systems of sciences/math etc. came from Africans.your white religions came from Africa as well,the plagiarized the African Laws of Maat. Heru and Aset became baby jesus and mary(search the iconic statue with heru being nursed by the divine mother,they replaced the image to the African child and mother nursing,then compare Romulus and remus nursing from a wolf/dog whiteMANS best friend,thats where that comes from. if not for Africans,whites would still be in caves.
Delete",Imhotep (African) was the worlds first documented Doctor "
DeleteThis statement is incorrect! The first written medical doctor who wrote the first medical text was found to be in the country of india "the Rig Veda (3000-2500 BCE)" while imhotep was (2667 BC - 2648 BC)atleast 100 years later... Also if you did know what you were talking about youd know that the even older theory of medicine came from the mesopotamian god: "Ningishzida whose symbol, a staff with two snakes intertwined around it, dates back to 4000 B.C. to 3000 B.C" that very symbol is the symbol used in modern western medicine... Get your facts right...
April 6> What you are saying is highly unsubstantiated. melanin, muscle build, bone density, eye color, hair color/texture and the size of cortex is controlled by independent genes. One thing does not influence other although they happen to be clustered. In the case of interracial children, they can get mixed too. So a interracial child with dark skin can have a 90% gene of Nordic. Skin color is just a factor -- it is not a precursor of other things.
ReplyDeleteLook at Tamil Brahmins (South India, 5% of population) -- they have all kinds of skin color ranging from very pale to completely dark. Their average IQ is measured as 122 and there are so many dark skinned who have very big cortex and high IQ.
Dermal melanin (skin melanin, which is in the largest organ of the human body), hyper-dermal melanin (high skin melanin, which is in the skin covering jointed areas), neural melanin (brain melanin, which is found in substantial amounts in the midbrain), skeletal melanin (bone melanin, which is found in the spongy bone), genital melanin (hyper-dermal melanin, which is in abundance in the scrotum, shaft and foreskin of the penis and the labia and clitoris hood of the vulva), ocular melanin (eye melanin, which is in the iris of the eye) and gingival melanin (melanin in the gums of the mouth) are found in ABUNDANCE in people of African, Melanesian and Australian Aboriginal descent. Ashe! Ashe!!
ReplyDelete@ Anonymous
ReplyDeleteSome of things that you say are on point, but other things that you say are rhetorical. I visited some sites with your comments, like one pertaining to Asian and Africans (Blacks) are from other galaxies and stuff. You have a whole lot to learn, son.
LOL first of all the American educational system is anti black. IQ tests are administered with white standards. your post just gave proof in that. I suggest you look up Dr. Umar Johnson who worked in education. he spills the beans on the covert operation to destroy blacks through education.
ReplyDeleteIf you look @ the version of a computer program as it upgrades it gets better due to innovation. just the same as in cars the higher the series the "better & newer" it will be typically like computers as well the old windows 98 could never do what windows server/apaches ect... does (running major corporations and holding the world together)if the africans (black) populations are under you consideration the 'first humans' all that came after would then beof a higher newer version as DNA is like a computer program... this article is purporting supremacy so inna hypocritical sense it can be considered racism. as does mention advancement of babies but neglects the more sophisticated advancement of white civilizations on a grander scale... advanced tools, means of transportation and shelter!
ReplyDeleteYou do realize during the medieval ages most of Europe was uneducated and had little to none outside industry at the same time african empires such as Mali and Ghana had vast wealth for the trade in gold to place like Asia and the middle East. They also had scholar at a capitols such as Timbuktu which was the capital of mali at the time. And even created the richest man in the world Mansa Musa who gave out so much gold that he drastically changed the gold market. All while Europe could hardly get their act together. Only till feudal reign died out did European countries begin to flourish again. Keep in mind the majority of turmoil that was created in Africa was due to the vast wars created to sell 10s of millions of the most abled bodied ppl in Africa into. I will admit that it's not exactly Europes fault for the slaves as they didn't take them however they did request them in high demand. So anyway so know with most of the africans gone Europe was able to colonize africa. Now keep in mind when Europe installed the african colonies they didn't help africa at all that why when africa regained it's independence it didn't just flourish into a superpowr. As a lot of Africa's growth in modernization was taken from them. However with many independent african countries having one of the highest economic growth in the world and with all that's going on I'll say around 2080 will africa be a massive super power. This is also because western cultures like my own are will sadly get perished in war or mass corruption like every great world super power. Plus because africa isn't bothered by war they will most likely have a window for mass advancement.
ReplyDeleteOne word "Racist".
ReplyDeleteThis was a study of motor skills in babies... why argue and get all bent out of shape over the findings of a scientific study. Interestingly enough, had the results reported that white babies developed at faster rates- I guess then that would have been proof enough... SMH Waste of time Arguing!
ReplyDeleteGuess not if that were the findings it would have been all over the news even in text booksize but because the news favor blacks hardly anyone knows this information it's a secret just knowing this some white people will have bruised egos and find ways to insult and be nasty because they're offended by the news.
DeleteJust except it for what it is its OK really
ReplyDeleteJust except it for what it is its OK really
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThats not how it works. Whites are Not some up grade but rather mutation of a very artifical sort. Mutation can't grow evolove none of that. Nor can the gene propergate for very long time. We're(as in Black americans)reading now we know. we know who the Greeks a test the Egyptians were. We know tha your kind(whites) didnt show up till about 6500 hundred years ago. That excludes you all from the lies you tell of what you have done and created(civilizations).
ReplyDeleteBoop boop boop beep beep boop bop
ReplyDeleteIt'll be a moot point soon enough. Once Elon is done with Space X, whites can bugger off to Mars and leave everyone else in peace.