Saturday, May 7, 2011

Did europeans get their facial form from Neanderthals?


Many noted paleoanthropological researchers currently argue that modern Europeans may share close biological relationships with archaic Neanderthal man

Evidence comes from craniofacial measurements used to compare hominid species. This research shows that nuances relating to the cranial outlines of European Neanderthals are identical to the nuances observed in modern Europeans

Morphological differences between these two populations are said to exist primarily with respect to facial form 

One theory purposes that such facial morphological differences may have come as the result of a reduction in tooth size that took place over a period of thousands of years

For example, the Krapina Neanderthals at the end of the last interglacial differed from Homo erectus only in having larger front teeth, while “Classic” Neanderthals of Western Europe had teeth that are 15% smaller than those of the earlier Krapina Neanderthals and only 5% larger than early Upper Paleolithic Neanderthals. It is these incremental reductions in tooth size, along with their resulting changes in craniofacial form which are believed, “by some”, to reflect an (in situ) evolution of modern European facial form from an ancestral Neanderthal one

While this theory represents a rather extreme position, other more widely accepted theories argue simply that early Europeans may have interbred with Neanderthals at rates great enough that Neanderthal features can still be observed in modern, particularly ‘northwestern European’ populations, today .

While the morphological aspects of the earliest modern humans in Europe (more than 33,000 B.P.) indicate that they do in fact possess an anatomical pattern largely inline with the morphology of the earliest (Middle Paleolithic) African modern humans; they also exhibit features that are distinctively Neanderthal 

For example, numerous craniofacial, dental, and postcranial traits in European early humans are unlikely to have come from middle Paleolithic modern humans, and have been argued to be Neanderthal in origin . If associated admixture between Europeans were rare or non existent, one would expect only to find a few of these non early modern human traits in a few European early modern humans; however, this is not the case 

In short, European populations may reflect both their predominant African early modern human ancestry and a substantial degree of admixture between those early modern humans and the indigenous European Neanderthals

According to Trinkaus (2007), given the tens of thousands of years since then and the limitations inherent in ancient DNA, this process is largely invisible in the molecular mtDNA record. However, it is still highly apparent in the paleontological record . Others still, believe that Europeans may have simply evolved from an ancestral Neanderthal form, in situ

Ovchinnikov, I. V., A. Götherström, G. P. Romanova, V. M. Kharttonov, K. Lidén, and W. Goodwin (2000). Molecular analysis of Neanderthal DNA from the northern Caucasus. Nature, 404:490-
Trinkaus T. (2007). European early modern humans and the fate of the Neandertals. PNAS _ May 1, 2007vol. 104 no. 18 7367–7372


African Health Science

The African system of health disagrees with the idea of germs being the sole source of disease.  Historically, African health science was founded upon holistic principles.  This science pre-dates Egyptian medical science and is between 20,000 and 100,000 years old.  In fact, it is the oldest medical science on the planet.  African health practitioners were devoted to teaching individuals to improve their physical, mental, and spiritual health through preventative lifestyles.  The African physician and health professional had to first develop their own understanding of how African physiology worked on all levels before they could treat diseased individuals.  This wholistic wisdom has been passed down to us as “The Science of African Bio-chemistry”.  This is the African health system according to “Naturopathic” principles.  In this system, the patient is given an herb or food that will help the body defend itself. For example, if a patient is suffering from joint pain (arthritis), then this would perhaps indicate that there may be a calcium and/or mineral deficiency caused by a nutritional deficiency in the diet.
The African physician would advise or teach their patient what lifestyle, nutritional, emotional, or dietary changes should be made to alleviate the condition.  This philosophy was consistent with the laws of nature and is based upon a belief in the body’s innate God-given, natural ability to heal itself when given the appropriate herbs, seeds, and foods.
The human body contains millions of microorganisms which support and help to keep our immune systems healthy and have enabled us to have healthy lives.  The ancient Africans believed that a healthy immune system is responsible for the health and healing of the human body. From this premise, health problems occur as the result of “something lacking” in our nutrition, leaving the human body vulnerable to disease.  African medicine is a nutrient based system.  A diet and lifestyle deficient in vital nutrients makes us susceptible to opportunistic infections, and cellular disorganization (cancer).  This is why some people who are exposed to the cold virus do not get a cold.  Or why some people are able to recuperate from a deadly disease such as cancer and others, cannot.  However, many scientists and physicians reject the vitamin deficiency concept of disease until it is proven and tested through clinical trials.

The Western View of Health and Disease

The average doctor today under the Western system of medicine has spent over ten years acquiring training to learn about disease causation.   Hence, there is a tendency among many physicians to look for a positive “cause-and-effect” relationship in which something clearly causes something else – a virus, or bacteria must “cause” a disease. The idea that disease is caused by an outside agency, or virus is rooted in the Germ Theory of disease, first proposed by the French scientist, Louis Pasteur in the mid-1800’s.
There are many diseases that plague the human family today which modern science has spent many billions of dollars searching for a prevention or cure, but they are no closer to the answers today than they were over a hundred years ago.  Perhaps the main reason is that they are still looking for that “something” which causes these diseases instead of the “lack” of something.
The ultimate solution to the scientist’s most puzzling medical problem is to be found in a near-primitive concoction of herbs and foods.  However, medical doctors have been trained to search for “complex” answers rather than looking to the simple laws of nature.  As Dr. Laila Afrika, pioneer of African ethnomedicine put it aptly:
“In health science they (western doctors) believe that the body destroys itself with disease.  Therefore, they must give toxic, poisonous drugs and vaccines to stop the body from killing itself.  In Caucasian medical science, they believe that evil bacteria and virus are trying to kill good bacteria and virus.”

Friday, May 6, 2011

There are differences in body physiology between the races of Mankind.

Every human has a specific biochemical makeup and therefore requires a unique biochemical diet in order to stay healthy and free from disease.
Nature has programmed every human body-type with certain food parameters which helps to prevent damage to the biochemical nutritional homeostasis (balance).  Ancient African health practitioners taught that the human body has a vital force (aura, electromagnetic field) that allows one type of vitamin to change into another type of vitamin/or energy.
It is important to understand that energy is the basic unit of the human body.  It is the foundation upon which all the cells, organs, tissues, and chemicals are formed in the body. The body emits a vibratory frequency which reflects the thoughts, foods, and medicines we ingest and contributes to the structure of our vital force.
The Center for Disease Control 's 2001 health statistics show that African-Americans are1.8 times more likely to die from heart disease than non-Hispanic whites; Blacks are1.3 times more likely to die from breast cancer; 2.8 times more likely to die from prostate cancer and 1.4 times more likely to die from colon cancer.  More than 2.7 million African Americans – 1 in 9 have diabetes. African Americans are 1.6 times more likely to have diabetes than non-Hispanic whites. About 72,000 African Americans have sickle cell anemia, and the disease occurs in approximately 1 in every 500 African-American births and 1 in every 1,000-1,400 Hispanic-American births. Approximately 2 million Americans, or 1 in 12 African Americans, carry the sickle cell trait.
The purpose of the following report is to show that this great human tragedy in our communities CAN BE STOPPED NOW, entirely on the basis of existing nutritional health knowledge.  We will explore the theory that cancer, heart disease, and sickle cell anemia is a deficiency disease aggravated by the lack of an essential food compound in African people’s diet, and that its control is to be found simply in restoring this nutrient in our daily diet.

African Americans are at great risk

Thye normal range for nutritional assessments are set to  north american whites

"Nutritional assessment of American Negro (Black) individuals of largely-African ancestry is complicated by differences that transcend socioeconomic status"

These include smaller size at birth but greater size from 2 to 14 years, advanced skeletal development ("bone age"), advanced dental development, a larger skeletal mass and bone "density" and a lesser rate of adult bone loss in the Black female from age 40 on as shown in a variety of bone-losing situtations, including renal osteodystrophies (better bone health)

Thus, appropriate dimensional and radiographic and radiogrammetric measures must be employed. Differences in hemoglobin concentration approximating 1.0g/100ml and in hematocrit levels also indicate the need for population-specific standards, otherwise gross errors will be made in calculating the per cent "deficient" and "low". 

Since self-assignments to racial categories are commonly used, the problem of racial identification is minimal. 

Failure to employ appropriate standards will result in underestimating the dimensional, radiographic and radiogrammetric effects of undernutrition in Blacks after the 2nd year, underestimating adult bone loss to a large degree, but overestimating the 

This is why African Americans are at a greater risk for most diseases like heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, etc

scanned image of page 262

for over 70 yrs its been a known fact that black babies are developmentally advanced over whites, some blk children who may be at nutriotional risk will appear satisfactory or normal if white developmental standards are applied.

Power of melanin

lets compare what white people will look like once they mix with melenated people and white people without the extra melanin





ok lets be fair


Wow what the power of melanin can do.

Europeans and people of European descent are at least 25% neanderthal

Recent findings say EVERYONE EXCEPT AFRICANS have from 1 to 4% but earlier studies referenced below say that europeans have at least 15 to 25% neanderthal DNA

Although this observation is consistent with the RAO model, it does not prove that Neanderthals and modern humans did not interbreed—the two groups may have mixed but Neanderthal mtDNA may have been lost by the chance action of genetic drift. Subsequent studies have concluded that the data are consistent with a Neanderthal contribution of up to 25% of the modern gene pool

only Neanderthal contributions larger than 25% to the modern gene pool could be statistically excluded under a simple model of instantaneous mixing of Neanderthals and modern humans (Nordborg 1998; Serre et al. 2004). Thus, the problem of the genetic relationships between Neanderthals and modern humans remains fully open. 

This initial estimate (25%) was, however, based on a simple but unrealistic model of evolution, assuming no population subdivision, constant population size, and a single and instantaneous admixture event between Neanderthals and modern humans
interbreeding rates as high as 25% could not be excluded between the two subspecies. In this study, we introduce a realistic model of the range expansion of early modern humans into Europe, and of their competition and potential admixture with local Neanderthals

recent genetic simulations suggested that 5% of human DNA can only be accounted for by assuming a substantial contribution of Neanderthaler to the European gene pool of up to 25%. REFERENCE Plagnol V, Wall JD: Possible ancestral structure in human populations.

plos-biology, (Nordborg 1998; Serre et al. 2004),
Subsequent studies have concluded that the data are consistent with a Neanderthal contribution of up to 25% of the modern gene pool REFERENCE (Ovchinnikov IV, Gotherstrom A, Romanova GP, Kharitonov VM, Liden K, et al. (2000) Molecular analysis of Neanderthal DNA from the Northern Caucasus. Nature 404: 490–493)

According to the scientists, the Neanderthal DNA does not appear to offers any evolutionary benefit and is merely a genetic relic.
Erik Trinkaus, an anthropologist at Washington University in St. Louis, Mo., states: “The fact that they found it across the board says that the evidence must be very widespread across modern humans… If you can find evidence [of Neanderthals] after 30,000 years of [human] genetic shifting, then it must have been pretty important or prominent then

Trinkaus speculates that the genetic flow between Neanderthals and early modern humans might have been as high as 10% to 20%.
Human fossils dug up in France, Romania, the Czech Republic and other places support the mixed ancestry theory based on skeletal studies and craniological measurements

Furthermore, years of further interbreding and genetic mixing have crowded outed and diluted down the neanderthal’s legacies. According to experts the genetic flow between Neanderthals and early modern humans might have been as high as 15% to 25%, but today it is at 3% to 4%.

The neanderthal caucasoid

The Iceman Inheritance - Michael Bradley delves back into the last Ice Age in order to find the prehistoric sources of the white race's aggression, racism and sexism. Relying on the researches of Alexander Marshack, Carleton Coon, Konrad Lorenz, S.L. Washburn, Ralph Solecki and others, Bradley offers a persuasive argument that the white race, the Neanderthal-Caucasoids, are more aggressive than others because of ancient sexual mal-adaptation. In tracing the effects of Caucasian aggression, Bradley offers an uncomfortable and all-too-plausible explanation for the pattern of human history. 

All contemporary Europeans and Asians are a bit Neanderthal but Africans are not, scientists revealed yesterday. 

They found that everyone of Eurasian origin, including people from east Asia and New Guinea, where Neanderthals never lived, carried a similar amount of Neanderthal DNA, while sub-Saharan Africans had none. 

The draft sequence of the Neanderthal genome, obtained from DNA fragments extracted from 40,000-year-old bones, shows that ancestors of modern Eurasians interbred to some extent with the Neanderthals they encountered as they moved out of Africa between 50,000 and 80,000 years ago. 

The discovery, published in the journal Science , contradicts the view of most palaeontologists that there was no interbreeding between Neanderthals and modern humans. 

A large international research effort, led by Svente Pääbo of the Max-Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, has deciphered about 60 per cent of the Neanderthal genome. 

"The results show that 1 to 4 per cent of the DNA in people of non-African ancestry is from the Neanderthals," said Prof Pääbo. "The Neanderthals are not totally extinct. In some of us a little bit of them lives on." 

The researchers' main raw material was powder extracted from three fossilised bones found in a Croatian cave, as well as bones excavated in Spain, Germany and Russia. 

The scientists used several gene sequencing technologies and powerful computer programs to piece together the degraded fragments of Neanderthal DNA and extract them from all the bacterial and other contaminants that built up in the bones over tens of thousands of years. 

How "races" differ due to melanin

 Japanese scientists has shown that inside the melanocytes (skin pigment cells) are tiny packets called melanosomes that contain Melanin. The four stages in the maturing of these packets is what accounts for racial differences: 

* Stage 1: The melanosome is empty and doesn't have the machinery to make Melanin. 
* Stage 2: The melanosome has the machinery to make Melanin, but is empty of Melanin. 
* Stage 3: The machinery is there and the melanosome is half filled with Melanin. 
* Stage 4: The machinery is there and the melanosome is completely filled with Melanin. 

Whites have mainly stages 1 and 2, whereas all people of color have Melanin ­with Blacks having more of stage 4 than 3, while Latinos and Asians have more of stage 3 than 4. All people of color have "circulating Melanin," which is Melanin circulating in the blood due to spillage or excess from the melanosomes. 

Melanocytes                     Melanocytes 2

Melanin in the nervous system

Melanin is found everywhere, throughout Nature... 
in animals, plants (that's why raisins and banana bruises are brown), the soil, waters of creeks, lakes, seas, and even in comets! Concentrations vary from parts per million to parts per billion, and it is soluble in liquid phases. 
Melanin is necessary for humans to reproduce! 
Melanin is abundantly present at the inception of life: a Melanin sheath covers both the sperm and the egg! In the human embryo, the melanocytes (skin pigment cells), the brain, and the nerve cells all originate from the same place; the neural crest. Melanocytes resemble nerve cells and are essential for conveying energy. When the presence of Melanin is missing or insufficient in the ectoderm, this causes the mother to lose her baby; in the case of all whites, a defective baby is produced. 
Melanin is the major organizing molecule in living systems 
Dr. Frank Barr, pioneering discoverer of Melanin's organizing ability and other properties, opens his technical work, Melanin: The Organizing Molecule: "The hypothesis is advanced that (neuro)melanin (in conjunction with other pigment molecules such as the isopentenoids) functions as the major organizational molecule in living systems. 

Melanin is depicted as an organizational "trigger" capable of using established properties such as photon- (electron)- photon conversions, free radical-redox mechanism, ion exchange mechanisms, ion exchange mechanisms, and semiconductive switching capabilities to direct energy to strategic molecular systems and sensitive hierarchies of protein enzyme cascades. Melanin is held capable of regulating a wide range of molecular interactions and metabolic processes..." 
Melanin's Main Properties: It absorbs, stores & transforms energy. It has "black hole" properties. 
* Black Melanin can convert light energy to sound energy and back again! 

* Melanin is BLACK because its chemical structure allows no energy to escape. It is also Black because Black is the perfect absorber of light and all energy frequencies, making Black Melanin the super absorber of Energy and Light! Thus scientists describe it as acting like a "black hole." 

* Melanin can rearrange its chemical structure to absorb ALL energy across the radiant energy spectrum (sunlight, X-rays, music, sound, radar, radio waves...) ­and can transmute and store this energy for later use! 

* Melanin can absorb a great amount of energy and yet not produce a tremendous amount of heat when it absorbs this energy, because it can transform harmful energy into useful energy. According to Dr. Leon Edelstein*, Melanin can absorb tremendous quantities of energy of all kinds, including energy from sunlight, x-ray machines, and energy that is formed within cells during the metabolism of cells. He theorizes that Melanin has the ability to neutralize the potentially harmful effects of these energies. 

* In Dr. Frank Barr's theory, matter is shaped and structured by 
light: that is, matter is organized through the interaction of molecules composed of slowed-down light. These molecular [Melanin] combinations "eat" light in order to maintain, expand and evolve matter. The more highly evolved a species, the more complex its biological capacity to use light. 

* Melanin has superconducting properties; it shows evidence of being a room-temperature (biological) super-conductor. Normally, superconductivity occurs only at very low temperatures. 

* Melanin is like a battery. Melanin "may be viewed as a battery that is partially charged and can always accept an electrical charge!" 1 When sunlight or other energy comes in contact with the Melanin battery, it increases the charge of the battery to a certain degree. When the energy is captured, the battery has more energy to use in the body. "This means that the BLACK HUMAN can charge up his MELANIN just by being in the sun or around the right type of musical sounds or other energy sources." 2 

* Melanin in the eye receives light and converts it into the electrical energy that comes across as an image. 

Your brain and nerves can not operate without melanin

Few people know that Melanin is found in almost every organ of the body and is necessary in order for the brain and nerves to operate, the eyes to see, and the cells to reproduce!  

Thus, Melanin is vastly more than just a "pigment" coloring the skin and hair. At the core of your brain is the "locus coeruleus," a structure that is BLACK because it contains large amounts of Melanin which is essential in order for it to operate! 

In fact, all the most crucial brain structures are heavily melanized! "Brain melanin is concentrated in a region that functions as a gate for all sensory, motor, emotional and motivational input and output" as well as a region that mediates conscious awareness in general. 

Dr. Richard King considers the presence of Melanin to be a key agent in heightening psychic sensitivity in the human organism. Dr. Frank Barr suggests (neuro)Melanin may join forces with the glial cells (formerly seen as only the 'glue' of the nervous system) to form a subtly triggered matrix for mental organization­ that is, the "mind's eye." 

Melanin in the Brain increases from the lower 
primates and reaches its peak in the BLACK HUMAN.. 

"All humans possess this Black internal brain evidence of their common Black Afrikan Origin. The All Black neuromelanin nerve tract of the brain is profound proof that the human race is a Black race, with many variations of Black, from Black-Black to White-Black, all internally rooted in a vast sea of Brain Blackness." 

"Humanity may differ in outer appearance, with variations of colors but internally they are all black, all African at the core. The question for all humans is how to relate to this blackness. 

A transformation process requires, first, the right heart or feelings and profound African knowledge as taught in ancient African universities. Today's racist is afraid, ignorant of his/her blackness, choosing to run from the ancestral Black core. Today's reborn black masters will accept their blackness, become unified with the universe and be inspired to creative genius at levels that surpass the pyramids.

Dr. Richard King
African Origin of Biological Psychiatry (p31, 24) 

Black babies are more advanced

Just do a google book search for black babies more advanced, and see the many "studies" on blk children out performing whites in every skill. from africa to carribeans to america results are the same. and then notice how they try to figure out why, and come up with all kind of excuses.

In every milestone from lifting the head to grasping, rolling over, recognizing mommy, crawling, walking, feeding themselves black babies are a couple of months ahead of other races.

Black babies advance earlier and faster than white babies.

In his book, The Developmental Psychology of the Black Child, Dr. Amos Wilson uses test results taken from the research of WHITE social scientists to show that, contrary to being inferior to whites, Black children in particular show superior psychomotor development over European children:
"Whenever motor differences between white and black American infants have been noted in research literature, the black babies have been advanced in comparison with the whites.... this is also the case with black children of other nationalities, particularly of African origin."

"The African babies actually seemed to have been born at a more advanced stage of development, since many of their activities at less than a week corresponded to those performed by European children aged four to eight weeks." (emphasis added) Comparisons in this study show the following difference between these groups

American journal of medical genetics

Page 69
Black babies are smaller than white ones but the smaller black neonate becomes
the larger and more advanced child right through adolescence


Social Psychology - Page 482
by Lawrence S. Wrightsman - Psychology all the children were found to be more advanced than European children of the same age

Children of the 21st Century: From Birth to Nine Months - Page 162
by Shirley Dex, Heather Joshi - Social Science - 2005
There is evidence to suggest that non-white babies, especially Black babies, are more advanced in their gross motor
development than white babies
many studies have been done that show black babies are more advanced than white babies, but they have been confined to scholarly journals away from general public--Pasamanik 1946, Williams and scott 1953, Geber 1957, Bayley 1965, Ainsworth 1967, Morgan 1990


