Melanin is found everywhere, throughout Nature...
in animals, plants (that's why raisins and banana bruises are brown), the soil, waters of creeks, lakes, seas, and even in comets! Concentrations vary from parts per million to parts per billion, and it is soluble in liquid phases.
Melanin is necessary for humans to reproduce!
Melanin is abundantly present at the inception of life: a Melanin sheath covers both the sperm and the egg! In the human embryo, the melanocytes (skin pigment cells), the brain, and the nerve cells all originate from the same place; the neural crest. Melanocytes resemble nerve cells and are essential for conveying energy. When the presence of Melanin is missing or insufficient in the ectoderm, this causes the mother to lose her baby; in the case of all whites, a defective baby is produced.
Melanin is the major organizing molecule in living systems
Dr. Frank Barr, pioneering discoverer of Melanin's organizing ability and other properties, opens his technical work, Melanin: The Organizing Molecule: "The hypothesis is advanced that (neuro)melanin (in conjunction with other pigment molecules such as the isopentenoids) functions as the major organizational molecule in living systems.
Melanin is depicted as an organizational "trigger" capable of using established properties such as photon- (electron)- photon conversions, free radical-redox mechanism, ion exchange mechanisms, ion exchange mechanisms, and semiconductive switching capabilities to direct energy to strategic molecular systems and sensitive hierarchies of protein enzyme cascades. Melanin is held capable of regulating a wide range of molecular interactions and metabolic processes..."
Melanin's Main Properties: It absorbs, stores & transforms energy. It has "black hole" properties.
* Black Melanin can convert light energy to sound energy and back again!
* Melanin is BLACK because its chemical structure allows no energy to escape. It is also Black because Black is the perfect absorber of light and all energy frequencies, making Black Melanin the super absorber of Energy and Light! Thus scientists describe it as acting like a "black hole."
* Melanin can rearrange its chemical structure to absorb ALL energy across the radiant energy spectrum (sunlight, X-rays, music, sound, radar, radio waves...) and can transmute and store this energy for later use!
* Melanin can absorb a great amount of energy and yet not produce a tremendous amount of heat when it absorbs this energy, because it can transform harmful energy into useful energy. According to Dr. Leon Edelstein*, Melanin can absorb tremendous quantities of energy of all kinds, including energy from sunlight, x-ray machines, and energy that is formed within cells during the metabolism of cells. He theorizes that Melanin has the ability to neutralize the potentially harmful effects of these energies.
* In Dr. Frank Barr's theory, matter is shaped and structured by
light: that is, matter is organized through the interaction of molecules composed of slowed-down light. These molecular [Melanin] combinations "eat" light in order to maintain, expand and evolve matter. The more highly evolved a species, the more complex its biological capacity to use light.
* Melanin has superconducting properties; it shows evidence of being a room-temperature (biological) super-conductor. Normally, superconductivity occurs only at very low temperatures.
* Melanin is like a battery. Melanin "may be viewed as a battery that is partially charged and can always accept an electrical charge!" 1 When sunlight or other energy comes in contact with the Melanin battery, it increases the charge of the battery to a certain degree. When the energy is captured, the battery has more energy to use in the body. "This means that the BLACK HUMAN can charge up his MELANIN just by being in the sun or around the right type of musical sounds or other energy sources." 2
* Melanin in the eye receives light and converts it into the electrical energy that comes across as an image.
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